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The National Federation of Tunisian Municipalities - FNCT

Created in 1976, the National Federation of Tunisian Municipalities (FNCT) represents the interests of Tunisian municipalities. 300 of them, out of 350, are members of the Federation. The FNCT provides technical assistance that strengthens the capacities of cities in the context of decentralised development and cooperation.
Read in French
Over the past three years, the Federation has undergone a substantial reform process. Since the general assembly in 2020, the organisation has expanded its mandate, articulated a new democratic governance structure, elected a new president, and appointed new executive and administrative committees.
The latter determines the strategic orientation of the FNCT and guarantees its good functioning and alignment with the municipal mandate, the missions, and the interests of the municipalities.
Under the new mandate, the Federation emphasises empowering members to navigate and drive the decentralisation and local development processes.
This brief, available in English and French, highlights the key results and impact of the project supported by Cities Alliance and the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), to strengthen the capacities of the FNCT.