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Corporate Scorecard 2020
Cities Alliance Performance in 2020
The 2020 Scorecard results demonstrate the continued delivery and organisational strength of Cities Alliance.
Despite the operational challenges faced due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Tier IV results (Organisational and Operational Performance) overall indicate the ongoing organisational effectiveness and operational performance of the Secretariat in 2020. The Secretariat continues to demonstrate efficient operational performance with around half of the Tier IV indicators improving compared directly with 2019, and 65% outperforming results from 2018.
Highlight results for 2020 include the delivery of 58 Community Upgrading Fund (CUF) infrastructure projects, improving access to basic services for 299,190 people; 66 urban institutions were supported with institutional capacity strengthening and over 9,000 individuals (including professionals in national and local governments, community representatives and civil society) had strengthened capacities as a result of Cities Alliance Programmes in 2020.
A total of at least 507,692 people were directly reached through Cities Alliance programmes in 2020.
The Scorecard
The 2020 Corporate Scorecard accompanies the Annual Report to provide a strategic overview of the organisation’s performance. It is our central corporate results management tool and provides an assessment on the achievement of development results, effectiveness in achieving those results, and the efficiency of our operations.
The Scorecard includes key performance indicators (structured according to the Results Framework) to measure and document progress across the various tiers of results, with baselines, milestones and targets. The targets for the current Scorecard, were set in line with the Cities Alliance Strategy - 2018-21.
The indicators are organized into four Tiers:
1. Tier I Development Goals: the overall development impact/context at the global level.
2. Tier II: Client Results: the impact of our work on the ability of cities to deliver improved services to the urban poor.
3. Tier III: Cities Alliance Programmatic Results: the outcomes generated by our programmes.
4. Tier IV: Organisational and Operation Performance: outputs delivered by the Secretariat in terms of partnership, volume, efficiency and sustainability.