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Urban Planning and Refugee Integration in the Horn of Africa

Cities Alliance and the government of Uganda will host the peer-learning event Urban Planning and Integration in an Era of Urbanisation and Displacement, within the framework of the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF): Inclusive Urban Development and Mobility – Regional Network and Dialogue Action on 28 March 2022 in Kampala, Uganda.
It is the third in a series of five events dedicated to exchanging experiences with representatives of partner cities in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, and Uganda and community stakeholders to strengthen policy development for greater social cohesion.
The CRRF Action aims to help countries in the Horn of Africa address the dual challenges of the rising number of displaced people being hosted in urban areas and wider urbanisation. It is establishing a regional dialogue to foster peer learning among secondary cities in the Horn of Africa and implementing pilot projects in Assosa, Ethiopia and Koboko, Uganda. The Action is financed by the European Union and implemented by Cities Alliance within the framework of the European Emergency Trust Fund for Africa.
The event takes place within the Cities Alliance Kampala Regional Forum on Migration and Sustainable Urbanization (28 -30 March 2022).
CRRF: Inclusive Urban Development and Mobility - Updates on the Action. Component 1: Regional Dialogue, Florence Lozet, Urban Analyst/Project Manager, Cities Alliance; Component 2: Uganda, Koboko Municipality, Bongo Patrick Namisi, Project Manager, ACAV; Component 3: Ethiopia, Assosa Municipality, Jemal Muhamed (TBC), Project Manager, IRC.
Municipal Development Forum in Action. Samuel Mabala, Country Urban Adviser Uganda, Cities Alliance, with technical inputs from Trinity Ceasar Draecabo, President of the Arua City Development Forum.
Launch of the Call for Papers. Florence Lozet, Urban Analyst/Project Manager, Cities Alliance.
Governance and Sustainability of the Network of Secondary Cities in the Horn of Africa. Pr. Loren Landau, Technical Advisor to the Cities Alliance, Professor of Migration and Development at the Oxford Department of International Development and Associate Professor with the African Centre for Migration and Society at the University of the Witwatersrand.
Technical Session: Introduction to Urban Expansion Planning. Patrick Lamson-Hall, Urban Planner and Research Scholar, New York University.
Wrap-up and Closing. Charles Obila, Migration Officer, IGAD; Juma Nyende, Director, East African Regional Office (EARO), UCLG Africa; Hon. Sanya Wilson, Mayor of Koboko Municipality.