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Annual Report 2015
Highlights of 2015 include:
National Urban Forums held in Ghana, Burkina Faso and Liberia. The 2015 Forum was Ghana’s fifth; in both Burkina Faso and Liberia, it was the first time such national dialogue has been held.
New Country Programmes in Tunisia and Liberia under development that build on member activities and foster cooperation with new partners.
Catalytic Fund Call for Proposals issued with the theme “Migration and the City”.
A new Joint Work Programme for Resilient Cities launched that brings together over 14 international development partners to highlight and address the relationship between resilience and poverty in cities.
In all four Future Cities Africa countries, significant progress has been made in working with counterparts in ministries and local governments – leading to an increased understanding of inclusive growth and resilience, and strengthening both ownership and commitment to the project.
Participation at COP21, which produced the Paris Climate Change Agreement. It was clear that Cities Alliance has a specific niche that adds value to the Paris Agreement: A focus on strengthening the climate resilience of informal settlements and informal
Sustainable Development Goal 11. The Cities Alliance JWP for Habitat III strongly supported the campaign in support of a standalone goal for cities, which has been proposed in the draft SDGs – the first time we have global recognition of the importance of cities, both as objects of the need for assistance and as players in their own right.
The partnership grew in 2015 and welcomed nine new members, including our first from the knowledge institution/academia constituency.
The Cities Alliance supported 23 events in 2015 to raise the visibility of the partnership and feed into our strategic goals.