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Brussels InfoPoint: Housing Challenges and Opportunities in the Global South

Countries in large parts of the Global South are facing major housing crises due to rapid urbanization and a growing slum population. The UN estimates that the global population will reach 8.5 billion by 2030, with almost 60 per cent of the population living in urban centres. An estimated 3 billion people will need new housing and basic urban infrastructure by 2030.
Addressing the challenge of adequate, secure, and affordable housing within and around cities is essential to enhancing equity, economic productivity, and environmental sustainability of urban areas.
New, targeted approaches to affordable housing are necessary if countries want to take advantage of the demographic shift to make cities inclusive, spur economic growth and expand job opportunities.
Adequate housing and how cities plan for this will be a central element in achieving sustainable and productive cities, also closely linked to investments and inclusive growth.
This InfoPoint session, which is co-organised with the European Commission's DG-INTPA and Cities Alliance, will review and discuss past lessons from housing interventions and explore possible avenues for engagement in the sector.
Also to note, for the first time, the EU Commission has a dedicated Commissioner in charge of housing, tasked with addressing Europe’s housing crisis. The present InfoPoint will be looking at the housing crisis in our partner countries.
Moderator: Julian Baskin, Principal Urban Adviser, Cities Alliance
- Sergio Oliete Josa, Head of Unit F4/Sustainable Transport and Urban Development. EU DG-INTPA
- Judy Baker, Senior Urban Advisor Cities Alliance - Former Global Lead, Urban Poverty and Housing, World Bank
- Stephen Seidel, Senior Director - Global Partnerships, Habitat for Humanity International
Language: English