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Africities: Meeting of Development Partners

The Meeting of Development Partners is one of the three parallel meetings of the political segment of the Africities Summit together with those of Mayors and Heads of local authorities, and of African Ministers. These parallel meetings prepare the Tripartite Dialogue which closes the political segment of the summit.
The session will focus on the topic of Support for Decentralization and Local Authorities in Africa and discuss two reports: The Inventory of Local Authorities in Africa, and The Institutional Environment favourable to cities and local authorities in Africa, CEE Rating.
During the event, the development partners will discuss and approve the five questions to be submitted to the other categories of stakeholders at the Tripartite Dialogue session in order to improve the implementation of decentralisation policies on the continent and to strengthen the role of intermediary cities in the implementation of the United Nations Agenda 2030 and the African Union Agenda 2063.
Chair: Greg Munro, Director, Cities Alliance
Moderator: Laurent Bossard, Director, OECD Sahel and West Africa Club
Rapporteur: Deborah Asikeit, Manager Cities Alliance Uganda Country Programme
Presentation CEE Ratings: Keith Mudadi, Urban Specialist, Cities Alliance
Development Partners:
- African Development Bank
- World Bank
- UN-Habitat
- Commonwealth Local Government Forum
- United Cities and Local Governments
- German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Agence Française de Développement