City WORKS is a toolbox which follows a process-oriented approach to support vertical integration by implementing global agendas at the local level. It entails methodological as well as technical tools. City WORKS is designed around the universal principle of the 2030 Agenda and broadens it to the principle of "Leaving No Place Behind".
City WORKS toolbox - GIZ 2022

Between 2015 and 2016, the international community adopted five vital agendas for sustainable development: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Agreement, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and the New Urban Agenda.

Ratified by national governments, these global agendas need to be implemented at all levels in order to be effective. For instance, up to 65 per cent of the SDG targets depend on action by local governments. This puts cities under pressure, as they need to align their activities with global agendas, yet often lack the necessary support to do so, be it financial resources, technical capacity or political backing by national governments. 

Developed by the German Agency for International Cooperation, GIZ, City WORKS provides explanations and information on the various global agendas and their relevance for cities - thus helping to 'translate' international agreements and targets to local realities.

The toolbox enables municipal actors to:

  • Recognise the relevance of global agendas for local development, 
  • Analyse and identify the specific needs for action at the city level, 
  • Develop and prioritise clear options for action, and 
  • Identify and mobilise relevant actors and resources for implementation. 

The tool proposes a step-by-step approach that can be applied in a sequential or non-linear way to fit individual, context-specific needs and demands into the localisation process.  

Experiences from pilot applications are already available from Ghana, Brazil, Egypt, the Palestinian Territories, and Mauritania. Upcoming applications are planned in India, Bangladesh and Guatemala. The results will inform further tool development.


For further information visit the City WORKS website

Report Info
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Product type