Gender Equality Action Plan 2024-2026_Cover

The Cities Alliance Gender Equality Action Plan (GEAP) 2024–2026 guides the organisation’s efforts to ensure that gender equality and women’s empowerment are reflected across all activities at local, regional and global levels. 

The GEAP aligns with Cities Alliance Strategic Plan and builds on the results of the previous plan and earlier gender equality strategies. It is based on four key recommendations:

  • CONTINUING to build a consolidated, aggregated evidence base to highlight Cities Alliance’s gender work;
  • EXPANDING targeted gender work in priority countries by engaging members and local partners;
  • COMMUNICATING this engagement transparently, particularly to Cities Alliance members, through improved and regular communication; and
  • CONTINUING to improve mainstreaming through ad-hoc training and a consistent monitoring framework.

Cities Alliance is committed to addressing and reducing inequalities in developing cities to achieve inclusive urban development. In cities across the globe, gender is usually one of the main axes of inequality, discrimination, and exclusion.

The inclusion of women’s perspectives in city planning and governance also helps to amplify and address the specific situations of other neglected social groups in urban communities. Pro-poor interventions will only be effective if they are planned, implemented, and evaluated based on more nuanced criteria which adopt an intersectional approach that considers gender and integrates factors such as age, ethnicity, economic status, and sexual orientation.

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