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Mid Term Evaluation: Solid Waste Management Services in Greater Monrovia
An independent Mid Term Evaluation of the European Union funded 4-year ‘Delivering Climate-Resilient Solid Waste Management Services in Greater Monrovia, Liberia through CBEs’ in Liberia, 2020
This independent Mid-term Evaluation of the European Union funded 4-year programme ‘Delivering Climate-Resilient Solid Waste Management Services in Greater Monrovia, Liberia through CBEs’, was completed in May 2020.
Overall, that the evaluation confirmed that the programme is still on track to achieve its objectives. The evaluation found that all stakeholders consider that the project is providing a significant contribution to the waste sector in Greater Monrovia. The evaluation highlighted specific results relating to the increased capacities of CBEs (particularly in record management systems), and the increased number of households with a planned form of garbage disposal. This result was linked by the evaluation to the substantial results emerging from awareness raising activities around Climate-Smart solid waste management through radio talk shows, community clean-up and education campaigns targeting schools.
The Management Response to the Evaluation included responses and actions to address the recommendations - including the need to fast track two components.
The results and learning generated by the evaluation will be fully utilised by Cities Alliance and guide the strengthening of programme delivery and results.