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Connecting regional networks to encourage sustainable urban development across research and policy cultures
WEBINAR on Wednesday, February 19, 2020 | 16:00 CET
Many cities and regions world-wide experience enormous rates of growth and transformation. In this context the promotion of an equitable access to public goods is widely considered a key factor to ensure equitable development and to leave no one behind.
In this webinar scholars, activists and development professionals representing three research networks from three continents share and reflect on how research and policy making can collaborate to better promote equitable urban development: How can research be more meaningful and effective for society and how can it have more impact on policy?
The initiative is supported by Cities Alliance’s Joint Work Program (JWP) on Equitable Economic Growth through the project Equity, Services and Economic Development in Cities of the Global South. This webinar is a follow-up to the Networking Event 47 at the World Urban Forum 10 in Abu Dhabi.
Margarita Greene Z. (REDEUS_LAC)
Peter Gotsch (N-AERUS)
Taibat Lawanson (AURI)