Community-based Enterprises Extend Health and Hygiene Awareness Campaign

Two community-based enterprises (CBEs) in Paynesville, Jemb Inc. and For You Too, continued promoting health and hygiene activities in June 2020, targeting parts of the Cow Field Community and Markets in Duport Road, Paynesville. The Association of Community Based Enterprises organized the activities with support from the European Union funded project, 'Delivering Climate Resilient Solid Waste Management Services,' which Cities Alliance is implementing. The CBEs walked through the communities with megaphones to educate the public about sorting, bagging and subscribing to waste management services. They also announced the importance of continuous hygiene practices against the spread of COVID-19, such as wearing masks, social distancing, washing hands, and covering mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. In late May 2020, the CBEs along with National Association of Community Based Enterprises (NACOBE) conducted health and hygiene awareness activities in several communities in Monrovia and Brewervile. The CBEs under the auspices of NACOBE were provided with megaphones, nose masks, reflective jackets, and gloves to prevent the spread of the virus during waste collection and help spread vital information. Forty CBEs under NACOBE benefitted from the activities.
Cities Alliance Commemorates World Environment Day with Radio Show
This year’s theme for World Environment Day is “biodiversity – time for nature”.
As part of activities commemorating the day, Cities Alliance with support from the European Union organized a radio panel discussion on ECOWAS radio to discuss protecting biodiversity through climate action and managing waste and urban population in Greater Monrovia. Yondeh Moore (Cities Alliance’s Capacity Building Specialist) and Gamondyu Zogar (Cities Alliance’s Solid Waste Management Specialist) served as panellists with Sayou Tequah of ECOWAS Radio moderating the discussion.
With funding from the European Union, and our partners, we are working towards improving livelihoods of communities through proper solid waste management initiatives and slum upgrading as the best way to protect our biodiversity, tackle the vulnerabilities to climate change, and enhance the resilience of communities. By having improved infrastructure and access to basic services, we can improve the capacity of citizens and cities to resist climate-induced shocks.
Soap Opera on Waste Management in Liberia Coming Soon
To raise awareness on climate-resilient waste management practices, Cities Alliance is launching a weekly radio drama on the Liberia Broadcasting System ELBC in July 2020. The piece is called “Clean Town’” and is set in two communities in Greater Monrovia: Chair Pa Jackson leads the vibrant community of Clean Town which has flourished for many years. However, Chair Pa Jackson faces a dilemma when a number of community members want to enrich themselves at the expense of the community. The drama follows Chair Pa as he invests in turning waste into other products, such as recyclables, compost, and energy products.
The 24-episode show will air starting August 7th, 2020 on the Liberia Broadcasting System ELBC 99.8 and Sky FM 107.1 FM
Cities Alliance Launches Grant and Loan Schemes to Improve Waste Management Services and Promote Renewable Energy in Greater Monrovia
In the coming weeks, Cities Alliance is launching a series of innovative projects funded by the European Union that target Liberia’s urban poor settlements to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through sustainable energy initiatives and solid waste management. The projects come in three categories:
- A loan at a minimal interest rate to enable community-based enterprises (CBEs) to expand their services.
- Direct grants to government institutions and local organizations to pilot small-scale renewable energy projects, such as waste-to-energy through biodigesters, the installation of solar lights, and solar panels.
- Grants to CBEs and defined organizations in the waste sector such as small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and local organizations and institutions.