This guide is a collection of tools/toolkits on key thematic fields of integrated urban development for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.



This guide is a collection of tools/toolkits on key thematic fields of integrated urban development for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. These tools/toolkits are listed along key fields of action that are of high interest for the German Development Cooperation: urban and territorial planning, urban basic services and food systems, local economic development, and climate resilience and environment.

Details of the analysis include: a good understanding of the background of the tools, the context in which they have been developed and applied, challenges and successes regarding the process of development and implementation, their overall applicability, the experiences with institutionalisation of the tools, the purpose of each tool, how they can be further used (types of cities and actors), how their development has considered the 2030 Agenda and how they contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or other global Agendas, how the approach integrates different aspects (integration at spatial level, sectoral level, stakeholder level and levels of governance).

Twelve tools have been pre-selected for an in-depth analysis, according to the following criteria: a) relevance along the fields of action of sustainable urban development on which the sector project has already worked b) foster an integrated approach to implement global agendas at the local level, by integrating spaces, sectors, actors and levels of government c) have concrete implementation experience in different contexts, and d) identified potential cooperation partners (originators of the tools) for consultation in the use of the tools.

Report Info
GIZ: The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH
Product type