
The Cities Alliance has approved a proposal for a study of slum upgrading programmes in precarious settlements in Brazil, in partnership with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Brazilian Ministry of Cities/Caixa.

These organisations share an interest in knowledge that can be used to improve the design and management of slum upgrading programmes and policies.The knowledge can also benefit other countries that, like Brazil, are grappling with urbanisation issues.

The project aims to conduct an in-depth, comparative analysis of urbanisation programmes conducted in precarious settlements in Brazil.

Eleven preliminary projects throughout Brazil have been pre-selected as a sample for the study: Prosamim (Manaus); Bacia do Una (Belem); Procentro, and Cingapura/Prover (São Paulo); Nova Baixada (Baixada Fluminense); Favela Bairro (Rio de Janeiro); Favela Maravilha (Fortaleza); Terra Santa (Curitiba); and projects in Aracaju, Vitoria, and Niteroi.

Once the analysis is complete, the lessons and policy recommendations will be disseminated via a publication, five regional workshops, and one national seminar.

The Ministry of Cities plans to use the lessons learned to support the formulation of urbanisation policies and in Phase II of the Brazilian government’s massive Growth Acceleration Programme (PAC), established in 2007. 

For its part, IDB intends to use the knowledge gleaned from the study to support the design of new operations with a focus on the Procidades programme, a credit mechanism that finances integrated urban development programs for municipalities in Brazil.

The Cities Alliance is allocating a $75,000 grant for the project. The proposal, which was sponsored by the Ministry of Cities, was formally approved on May 5, 2009.

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