
Published by the Institutional Capacity and Finance Sector of the Inter-American Development Bank and the Cities Alliance, this publication documents the evolution of settlement upgrading programmes both in theory and practice and describes the most critical challenges in improving the quality of life of the settlements’ inhabitants.

Seven chapters each address a theme, presenting current knowledge on the theme, challenges, and successful experiences in confronting these challenges. Among the volume’s overarching recommendations is a call for the expansion of the scale of the interventions so that the more than 100 million poor people living in cities of the Latin America Caribbean (LAC) region may see marked improvements in their quality of life within a reasonable time span.

This publication aims to contribute to the policy dialogue and to the debate about the design and implementation of settlement upgrading programmes taking place in all countries of the LAC region. It is expected that the analysis of the rich operational experiences will be of interest to specialists and elected officials of other developing regions that are confronting similar problems.

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